Q. Why would I use a Business to Business Experian Report?

When companies fill out a credit application they will give you three (3) references and a bank, the majority of companies have 3 creditors that they keep current to make sure they can get good references. When using the Experian report you are getting information from other companies such as yourself that are NOT handpicked references.

Q. Are the regulations the same as consumer reports?

No they are not. Business Credit does not have the rules that consumer credit has.

Q. Do I have to have permission to use a B2B report? Do I need a signed credit application?

No you do not but you should have a genuine interest in doing business with the company that you are checking on, or attempting to collect a past due bill/debt.

Q. Am I only going to receive trade data?

You will receive Identifying information, Matching name and address, Corporate Linkage (if available), the credit score, collections, Tax Lien, Judgments and Bankruptcy Information. Monthly payment trends and the industry DBT to make a comparison, quarterly payment trends, inquiries, UCC Filings, if any are cautionary. Banking, Insurance Bond, Company Background and Key facts information.

Q. What if it is a new company with no credit history?

You have the option to use the Business Owner Profile information if you have permissible purpose and the company is not a corporation.

Q. Do I need a Social Security number for the BOP report?

If you have permissible purpose or a personal guarantee you can use the name and address of the Owner to receive the BOP report.